- “A Pilgrim People: No Peace Theology Without Peace Ecclesiology.” Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20, no. 2 (Summer 2023): 387–406.
- “Gun Culture, Free Riding, and Nothing Short of Conversion.” Journal of Moral Theology 12, Special Issue, no. 2 (2023): 158–84. DOI:10.55476/001c.89316.

- “The Fierce Urgency of the Slow: How Pope Francis is Calling Us to Save the Planet.” Journal of Social Encounters 6, no. 2 (2022): 126–29.
- “A ‘Manual’ for Escaping Our Vicious Cycles: The Political Relevance of Enemy-Love.” Modern Theology 36, no. 3 (July 2020): 478–500.
- First presented at symposium on “Love Your Enemy: Its Political Significance.” Southern Methodist University. 4 December 2017.
- “Christian Peace Theology: Internal Critique and Interfaith Dialogue.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 53, no. 4 (Fall 2018): 541-569.
- First presented at Nobel Peace Prize Forum, Faith and Peace Day. Minneapolis, MN, 1 March 2014.
- Also presented at annual Muslim-Christian dialogue with theologians of the Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey and the University of St. Thomas Muslim-Christian Dialogue Center, 1 November 2014.
- “A ‘Manual’ for Escaping Our Vicious Cycles.” Journal of Moral Theology 7, no. 2 (June 2018): 86–91.
- First presented at panel on “Just Peace.” Society of Christian Ethics. Portland, OR. 5 January 2018.
- “Capitalizing Church: On Finding Catholicism Inevitable.” Conrad Grebel Review 34, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 284-302.
- First presented at a conference entitled “Ex-Mennonite, Near Mennonite: Liturgical, Non-denominational, Secular,” hosted by the Chair in Mennonite Studies at the University of Winnipeg, 3-4 October 2014.
- “‘Confessional’ Nonviolence and the Unity of the Church: Can Christians Square the Circle?” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34, no. 1 (Spring-Summer 2014): 125-44.
- First presented at the Society of Christian Ethics. Chicago, IL, 4 January 2013.
- “Call No Movement New Until It is Old: ‘New Monasticism’ and the Practice of Stability.” Pro Ecclesia 21, no. 3 (Summer 2012): 247–57.
- “Just Policing, Responsibility to Protect, and Anabaptist Two-Kingdom Theology.” Conrad Grebel Review 28, no. 3 (Fall 2010): 73–88.
- “Just the Police Function, Then.” Conrad Grebel Review 26, no. 2 (Spring 2008): 50-60.
- “Continuity and Sacrament, or not: Hauerwas, Yoder, and Their Deep Difference.” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27, no. 2 (Fall-Winter 2007): 171-207.
- First presented at ” Society of Christian Ethics. Dallas, TX, 6 January 2007.
- Earlier version presented as “Continuity and Sacrament, or Not: Why Hauerwas Really is not Yoder, But is Right About Mennonite Community Nonetheless.” Anabaptist Seminar. Eastern Mennonite University, 8 April 2006.
- “Meeting in Exile: Historic Peace Churches and the Emerging Peace Church Catholic.” Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace 1, no.1 (Fall 2007).
- First presented as lecture, “What is a Peace Church?” Presentation Sisters’ Peace Studies Forum. Fargo, ND, 23 January 2004.
- “Just Policing: How War Could Cease to be a Church-Dividing Issue.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 41, no. 3-4 (Summer-Fall 2004): 409-30. [Actual publication date: 2007.]
- “Is Milbank Niebuhrian Despite Himself?” Conrad Grebel Review 23, no. 2 (Spring 2005): 33–40.
- First presented at Mennonite Scholars & Friends Forum on “Radical Orthodoxy and the Radical Reformation: What is Radical about Radical Orthodoxy? Conversations with John Milbank.” American Academy of Religion, Toronto, 23 November 2003.
- “Stability amid Mobility: The Oblate’s Challenge and Witness.” American Benedictine Review, 52:1 (March 2001).
- “In the Belly of a Paradox: Reflections on the Dubious Service of Reflecting on Service.” The Journal of Peace and Justice Studies. 10:2 (2000) 65-78.
- Reprinted in the Conrad Grebel Review 19:3 (Fall 2001) 41-53.
- First presented at conference on “Anabaptist/Mennonite Experiences in International Development,” Eastern Mennonite University, 1-4 October 1998.
- “‘Love is the Hand of the Soul’: The Grammar of Continence in Augustine’s Doctrine of Christian Love.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 6:1 (Spring 1998): 59-92.
- “Anthology in Lieu of System: John H. Yoder’s Ecumenical Conversations as Systematic Theology.” Review essay on The Royal Priesthood: Essays Ecclesiological and Ecumenical by John Howard Yoder and Michael G. Cartwright (ed.). Mennonite Quarterly Review 71:2 (April 1997): 305-309.
- “Augustine’s Hermeneutic of Humility: An Alternative to Moral Imperialism and Moral Relativism.” Journal of Religious Ethics 22:2 (Fall 1994): 299-330.
- “Beyond Two- versus One-Kingdom Theology: Abrahamic Community as a Mennonite Paradigm for Christian Engagement in Society.” Conrad Grebel Review 11 (Fall 1993): 187-210.
- “Friendship as Adultery: Social Reality and Sexual Metaphor in Augustine’s Doctrine of Original Sin.” Augustinian Studies 23 (December 1992): 125-147.
- First presented at Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University, 20-22 September 1991.
- “Nicaragua: A Case Study.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 68 (August 1984): 368-377.
- First presented at Symposium on Central America, sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section, Chicago, Illinois, October 1983.